Hang out with my friends and me and you will learn more than ever thought possible.
diana: how do you spell evily?
adrienne: that's not a word
diana:: evil+ly
diana: i want it to be an adverb
diana: i know its an adjective but thats alright
adrienne: well you can spell it however you want because it's not actually a word
diana: lol
diana:good to know
adrienne: just to interject for a moment, i saw my favorite awkward geek today!
diana: who's ur favorite awkward geek?
adrienne: his name is ****** and first semester i saw him all the time
diana: o cool
adrienne:at first i was kind of thinking... woah is this kid serious
diana: lol
adrienne: because he was REALLY geeky looking
adrienne:but then I discovered that geeky people are actually really awesome and normal people can't see it
diana: yea they are
adrienne: they're on their own wavelength
diana: yea
adrienne:it's like meta-awesomeness
diana: i love geeks
adrienne: i kind of want to buy him a diamond
diana:there are denny's internationally
diana: haha
diana: did u know that?
adrienne: where else?
diana: costa rica guam
adrienne: haha
diana: mexico
adrienne: wow
diana: netherlands
diana: puerto rico and singapore
adrienne: i had no idea denny's reach so much of the world
diana: at least those are the options
diana: why isnt it in canada?
diana:canada just makes more sense
diana: Ave. Cristobal Colon 11390 Complejo Industrial,
Chihuahua, Mexico 31109 MX
diana: theres only one though but still
adrienne: yeah
adrienne: no canada?
adrienne: maybe they're healthy
adrienne: or have lots of ihops or something
diana: lol
adrienne: i wonder if ihop is international
diana: prolly
adrienne:: it says so in the name... i wonder if they're lying
diana: i'll go check
*fyi - canada is domintated by IHOPs. you can see the complete list
here. Also congrats to the reigning champ of IHOPs, the big ol' texas.