03 September 2005


The annual "Concert on the Steps" was today at 2. The Dirty Projectors and Yo La Tengo. Despite the heat, I think it actually went pretty well.

Earlier in the day I went with people from Columbia Concerts and some fellow OLs and we bought all of the food on the "rider" (I use quotes because I'm sure it was a much tamer Columbia version of the rider) and got the bands some water, bread, mayo, chips, pretzels, m&ms, and mustard. The bread was fancy and smelled great, but come to think of it, I'm not sure there was anything to put on it except mayo or mustard.... or both. (ew?)

The other big event of today was registration, which was actually pretty exciting for me given that it is not really that exciting. I ended up getting basically all the classes that I wanted, but because I'm crazy and spent this summer planning the next 3 years according to my different perspective majors, pretty much all the classes I wanted means 19 credits, around $700 worth of books, and DEATH. I want to keep all six classes, but with the work study job and possibly doing nightline (a 24 hour helpline that requires a semester of training) is it really worth losing my mind? And even if I don't lose my mind, is it worth not having a social life?

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