14 June 2006

10 minutes ago I got home. I left home 13 hours ago! Honestly, it's really great to have a life. To have things to do. This time last year I would have spent half of those 13 hours sleeping or watching a full season of some tv show. This summer I've watched seasons of tv shows, gone to class, done homework, and kept down 2 jobs. My, that's almost like growing up! Also, talking and bonding with people is not so overrated.

I came perilously close to losing one of my internships today. But instead I got to switch bosses (woot) and then got an invitation to a super-secret rooftop industry party for Beth Orton and Damon McMahon.

The best part... free food and drinks! ohhh yeah.

This summer is working out beautifully.


Anonymous said...

IM REALLY JEALOUS. I can't believe you got into an industry party for Beth Orton!!!! <3 <3 <3 *envy*

Next time, invite meeee!!!

Anonymous said...

what happened with the internship? glad ur having fun in ny!

can't stop... won't stop