30 March 2007

What Can I Say?

It's been a busy month. It's been raining outside for a couple of days, so I've been mainly indoors. And being indoors gets me a little stircrazy. In case you didn't know - stircrazy is not such a good writer. Here are some pictures:

Lindsay going nuts over the massive pony in a tasteful toy store exhibit named "PONYVILLE!"

Trafalgar Sq.

The Queen's playground, St. James Park.

One very creative Berlin Mural.

yeah I saw LCD Soundsystem earlier this month. I know, I know! I have 100 things I could blog about. If I did write it, you wouldn't read it. Trust Me. A run on sentence with things like "Dude the drummer looks like Mr. Rosso from Freaks and Geeks!" would not be so great to read. As I said, crazy is not conducive to coherent thoughts.

An example of how nice the weather was at the beginning of this week. Now it's rainy and disgusting again, hence the "crazy."

If I leave you with one last thing, it's to buy Modular's "Leave Them All Behind 2." You'll never have a lack of party music again. And it'll boost your work out stamina. Booya.

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can't stop... won't stop