01 December 2005


Greetings, neglected blog and readers of this neglected blog.
I'm sitting here ecstatic because my Japanese lecture was cancelled and I'm trying to use this very rare event to justify the fact that I'm not doing any work right now. Besides that my days and nights have consisted of reading a bit of Thoreau, stuffing my pipe and contemplating things like life, money and the use of a college education. You know, typical college things.

My computer got a some stupid virus and I had to go without the internet for about a week while I got all the stuff to reformat the harddrive. As fun as that was, it's good to have the internet again.

Mainly, I've been not doing as much work as I should be, or at least as much work as I have (it's often difficult to distinguish between the two). I've been seeing my friends more and sleeping sporadically. I've also been listening to a whole lot of Wolf Parade. I'm getting sort of tired of my musical selection. Not Wilderness though. Are there any Wilderness fans out there? If so, we should talk. The talking will consist mostly of me talking about how I love the drums.
I love the drums.

M83 has also become the love of my life. Here the term M83 is used loosely of course, because my love is focused mostly on "Run Into Flowers." My god does that song make me want to do drugs. Instead I just get in my bed and say "OH MY GOD I WANT TO MELT INTO MY SHEETS" because that's what it does to me. It makes me want to melt into a fuzzy earthen color and fuckin' float out the window.

In conclusion, I love things too easily and too much. The fast and hard is already starting to catch up with me.

Another conclusion to be drawn from this is that updates will occur in a timely fashion in the future. You know Adrienne, there's only so much blog procrastination she can handle.

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can't stop... won't stop