26 June 2006

sigma n, i=1 i^2 +3

I sort of wish I could go back in time and hit Newton across the face before he developed calculus. It probably wouldn't have stopped him, but it would most definitely make me feel better.

The class is over in 5 days and it just seems to get worse every minute. Homework due tomorrow... final on friday... it's going to be a long night.

21 June 2006

Fat Joe took a big crap in my office today.

19 June 2006

I just finished this book

It was pretty stupid. A page turner? Yes. But the writing was pretty much on par with Danielle Steel's Secrets (Lindsay's demand reading for me a couple of years ago) and the plot twists were pretty dumb (and predictable from the start!). I haven't seen the movie yet, but I can't imagine that they had a very good starting point.

17 June 2006


There was a terrible scandal at work yesterday.

Normally, every friday is job posting day. Another woman and I go to different floors and post new open positions on to bulletin boards. Well, yesterday I took the keys to the bulletin boards so that I could do it myself, and the one on the 6th floor wasn't locked. Afterwards I tried to lock it (with every key) and it wouldn't lock! Then I went to the 7th floor. Same thing! Does that mean these bulletin boards were unlocked the whole time?!?!?!? Were the keys merely an experiment that in truth means nothing?!?!?!?! What is this world coming to?

In a similar vein, when did Spike Lee start doing commercials? And Ford, too? C'mon now.

14 June 2006

10 minutes ago I got home. I left home 13 hours ago! Honestly, it's really great to have a life. To have things to do. This time last year I would have spent half of those 13 hours sleeping or watching a full season of some tv show. This summer I've watched seasons of tv shows, gone to class, done homework, and kept down 2 jobs. My, that's almost like growing up! Also, talking and bonding with people is not so overrated.

I came perilously close to losing one of my internships today. But instead I got to switch bosses (woot) and then got an invitation to a super-secret rooftop industry party for Beth Orton and Damon McMahon.

The best part... free food and drinks! ohhh yeah.

This summer is working out beautifully.

04 June 2006

My Alibi

I have been very absent from... just about everything lately and I felt that I should explain myself to at least you, my wonderful reader. While there is no excuse for neglect, I think you should know that my explanation is this beautiful toy:

It plays all sorts of cool songs, has a camera with photo caller id, has all sorts of flippy cool things and ... wait for it.... is all MINE! No more crappy Kyocera! Only the coolest! Or at least cooler than the crappy Kyocera!

Can you tell how excited I am? You can forgive my absence, no?

In other news, Matt and I have hit Lost episode 14 of season 2. (We both started season 1 on monday.) I have to say, I like season 2 a fair bit more. Betrayal, secrets, hallucinations, sex! What else could I possibly want in a 40 minute drama about strangers living on a hidden island that happens to have an extremely large electromagnet? Nothing!
can't stop... won't stop