04 January 2008

From the Cup O Joe

Hey y'all,

I am in Columbus. I have been here for a few days and will be here for a few more days (until the 12th) at which time I will hop to New York on my way to Jamaica. Then I'll be back in New York for the beginning of my last ever semester of College. The current situation is like this - I'm in the house, somehow wireless-ly stealing a few cable channels, but have to resort to local coffee shop for my use of the internet, which is about 2-3 hours every couple of days. They are starting to look at me funny.

My pants are tighter, but I think that might have something to do with eating fries four times a week and driving everywhere. Gas is expensive. It's freaking cold as crap. On the inspirational side of all of this, I've affirmed my big girl status by shoveling and salting my very, very long driveway during our mini snow storm. Oh yes, that reminds me - it snowed a lot. The snow is mostly gone and now it's just cold.

I went out on New Years, but missed out on the kiss at midnight that I've hyped up for quite some time. I've learned from my friends that if you want to achieve that goal you just have to push a younger guy against a corner in a crowded house and it sort of happens on its own. Good to know.

Happy 2008!

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can't stop... won't stop