25 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

I am experiencing a great deal of good cheer right now, not only because it's Christmas but also because last night (Christmas Eve) I had the most amazing meal ever. We went over to a family friend's house as we have done many times before. They always have a buffet and the food choices are pretty much the same (delicious) choices every year, but this year... above and beyond! It was magnificent! My eating rivaled a man. A hungry man.

So in the spirit of Christmas and in order to promote good will towards men, I am going to share with you a piece of advice.
The rest of the world and I had to grin and bear it when the genie pants bomb went off, but what is this? Some kind of weird genie bodysuit? Some kind of cruel joke?

Please note how "flattering" this outfit can be. On a model! Let's hope this never hits the streets.

In hope that this day will never dawn,

<3 Adrienne

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