28 April 2006

Running Through The Land of the Lost

10:00 AM EST
shit! where the hell is my wallet!

10:15 AM EST
I had it on my desk, I had it in my bag, I took it with me to a few places, I live in New York City. These are not helpful clues!

10:20 AM EST
My room is upside down. Still no wallet. Let me think about something else.

11:00 AM EST
I am organizing my laundry. This is good. But where the hell is my wallet?

11:15 AM EST
Shit. Do I have to cancel everything now? What if I find it in 2 days under a bag of garbage? That would be inconvenient.

12:20 AM EST
... I should blog about this. Maybe someone out there has seen my wallet and will read this frenzy and feel bad for me! maybe they could send my wallet on a string attached to the foot of a dove that will fly magically to my ledge and with a coo, present me with my wallet!

12:20:05 AM EST
Or maybe I will have to cancel everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>:( i lose my wallet like that ALL THE TIME!!! *sigh*

can't stop... won't stop