17 July 2005


so. as much as I'd like to make this a wonderful and eloquent post, I'm going to be completely honest about my time at the Siren Festival.

It was fucking hot. Whoever said it was going to rain doesn't know shit about weather. There was the occasional breeze, but most of the time it was stifling heat and humidity. Rain would have been great. What? The weather channel said it was going to rain? Well, I stand by my previous statement. The weather channel knows shit about weather.

I saw (only) three acts while I was in coney (hell) island, Be Your Own Pet, Morningwood, and Diamond Nights. There are two reasons I only saw three. First, I left late. I thought it would take less time to get there than it actually did. Surprise to me, but Coney Island really is the end of the line and it takes a hell of a long time to get there. Second, I went to go see Q and Not U on the main stage and couldn't get closer than about 150 feet. I couldn't see anything and even though I really wanted to see the show, I figured I would rather not die of heat stroke while I watched a show I couldn't see. It sounded good, so I guess I'll just listen to the CDs. So I walked over to Sitwell to see Diamond Nights at the much cooler and less crowded stage. They were good, but much to my dismay, I was getting nauseous during their set. Right as they ended, I got really dizzy, my head got really light and I still felt naseous. Rather than blame this on the music (which was good - especially "The Girl's Attractive") I found the culprit when I got onto the subway car. It was the heat! and the sun! I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure I had mild sun poisoning or heat stroke or something because I was not well. I managed to get a little better on the subway ride back, but I was still hot and sweaty in the air conditioned car.

Generally, what I saw was good. Be Your Own Pet was better than expected. Some of their songs are hit or miss, but I think if they keep on keepin' on, their songs will only get better. They are just in High School. Morningwood was great. They shouldn't change a thing. Go Morningwood, go. It's your birthday. I enjoyed my time at the Sitwell stage. Even when the acts weren't rockin' there were hilarious DJs playing old metal songs. The crowd was great too... but I imagine not that different than a regular day at Coney Island. Except more hipsters.

So there you have it, my mini experience at the Siren (heatstroke) Festival. Hey Village Voice people... maybe have Siren in June? Maybe have Siren in a place that's less hot and not covered with tar? Hmm? Just a suggestion.


Anonymous said...

Morningwood ruled. They made a fan out of me and everyone around me.

Satisfied '75 said...

I would have loved to have been there, but DAMN am I glad I missed that stifling heat.

can't stop... won't stop