19 September 2005


Hang in with me there, folks.
CMJ was a very busy four days of no sleep and no homework (even though I really didn't see that many shows), and now I'm recovering and trying to cover my behind enough to get to the weekend. If you've been out of school for a while, let me just remind you that homework sucks. If you haven't been to college yet, let me announce that College homework sucks. My buddy "skim" and I will be getting very close in the next couple of days...

So the final CMJ wrap-up (details saved for next entry)

went to class
I worked Artist Registration at Lincoln Center from 1-8
Saw Pela, the Cribs @ Bowery Ballroom

went to class ....?
Worked artist registration from 10:30-2:45
Saw Belle Orchestre, Sound Team, the Arcade Fire@Summerstage and Regina Spektor@Irving Plaza

Saw Brick (an indie movie)
Saw Apostle of Hustle, Jason Collett@ Hiro Ballroom
Saw CocoRosie, Supersystem, !!!@S.O.B's
slept in a dead way

Saw extended version of Elizabethtown (new Cameron Crowe movie)
Saw The Plastic Constellations, Tangiers, The Turing Machine, and the Hold Steady@ CBGBs

and holy crap, am I still tired.

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can't stop... won't stop