02 September 2005


Alright. No more slacking. It's technically September 2nd now and the hiatus is over.

For some reason my friends are really surprised when I say I don't want to go out a lot this year. They asked me why and I said "what's the point?" They thought it was a depressing answer, but really - what is the point? I'm not saying that I never want to hang out or see people; I just don't want to party and sleep late or be deprived all the time. Come to think of it, I can't remember ever having a really great time at a party. Every great feeling I've had with my friends has been something simple, like eating a great meal or taking a nice walk on the water and actually talking about something. And I don't mean pushing facts or opinions in people's faces, I mean talking honestly and openly without the tension of outside sources.

Maybe it's the only child in me, but I really don't mind being alone. Sometimes I think sitting and listening to music or something equally as relaxing can actually be more enjoyable than being with other people. Not that I don't like other people, but hanging out should be fun and not obligatory or forced. Is it so bad not to want to go to a party if all my friends are going? Is it so bad to want to sit for a little while, listen to Interpol and then fall asleep if I really am tired?

Some people might find it depressing or weird, but right now I feel pretty peaceful. I'm not being pushed and I like it.

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can't stop... won't stop