29 September 2005


Long time, huh? Things have been hectic around here, proposal for Durkheim suicide paper, Psych Exam, 50438503482 pages to read.... but really, everything is good. All of that is over and now it's time for me to kick back.

and work on my paper for monday.

Anyway, I've been depriving you guys of a good CMJ wrap up and details of my concert exploits since, but anything I give you would be outdated anyway. The things to note are: The Cribs were great, I got to see Ryan bloody this time, I even had to crank my neck back 120 degrees to see (that's what standing right in front gets you). Complaints? Well, the sound could have been better.
Then... the Arcade Fire. Well, obviously amazing in just about every way. I thought it would suck because I had a pretty bad spot sight-wise, but it was just as good as it was in February (well.. almost). But then David Bowie showed up and that shot everything threw the roof. I called a bunch of people because I was so excited, and then I got back to campus and all of my friends wanted to strangle me. Then Regina, who was as enchanting as ever. Irving Plaza was PACKED and you could tell she was happy. Then I saw some the Arts & Crafts showcase (Apostle of Hustle, etc) which was pretty good and then I ran over to Rare, just in time to get denied for Saints + Lovers (it's a sad story.)

After that, over to S.O.B's for Cocorosie, Supersystem, and !!!. The crowd was insane. I've never heard Cocorosie before, but one of them really reminded me of Joanna Newsom... then Supersystem came on, were good, and I got stuck in a dancemosh pit filled with guys 4x my size. After being violated and violating everyone around me, headed to the back for !!!. They were great live, but I'm not such a huge fan of the recordings. Just about everyone there was insane and insanely nice... one of the best crowds of the weekend.

Then... hmm. Frenchkiss Showcase @ CBGBs. I was glad to make it to CBGBs before it gets inevitably bulldozed, and the show did not disappoint. High points specifically were Tangiers and the Turing Machine. I didn't think I would like the music that much, but I did. And I got to see a couple of my CMJ coworkers pretty drunk.... it was a great way to end the weekend.

I saw two movie screenings, Brick and Elizabethtown. Both were good in their own ways, and I would write about them but Brick is incredibly hard to explain and we were told specifically told not to write about Elizabethtown because we saw the extended Film Fest version.

and... that was my CMJ in a nut shell. Can't wait to do it again next year! (after working ahead in school, of course).

Last weekend was the White Stripes/ Shins/ M. Ward at Keyspan Park. I liked M.Ward less that I thought I would, the Shins were great as usual. The singer actually talked to the audience this time and of course, Marty stole some hearts with his "YEAH SPORTS" and other witty banter. The White Stripes were much better than I remember (from early 2004) and I really enjoyed myself. I was wayyy too far away to get a picture, but if you want some actual recapping and a setlist (not a real one, jack doesn't use them) go here.

That's been my week and when other interesting this arise, I will let you know! On the schedule for this weekend: Alias premiere, Little Manhattan premiere, and massive amounts of work. (I would much rather be going to the Interpol show this sunday, but alas... no such luck.)

hope you have a good weekend.

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can't stop... won't stop