22 May 2005


Today my mom came into the city (she's been here for a couple of days now) and we headed down to catch my friend Katie and her mom at a photoshoot in washington square park. My mom told me that the photoshoot was a fashion spread for Teen People, and since Katie's mom is a photographer, I really didn't think anything of it. Well, I get there and who's posing in the grass with a dog, but Naima! Yes, you heard it right, Naima. (From America's Next Top Model. She won.)

She looks basically the same, except instead of millions of tiny waves, she's actually composed of flesh and bones. Very nice. She was surprisingly agreeable considering the amount of fans and homeless people that were screaming and talking about her as if she couldn't hear them. The photos turned out pretty well considering there were 5630323823049 people around the camera. So if you read Teen People, which I doubt you do, you can catch it sometime (this year (probably)).

Then again, maybe you do read Teen People. As I was told by an intoxicated british man today in the park, "Teen People? ... I'm of interest to teenagers; I don't think you want to know why." yeah, I don't know. This man was pretty creepy. He kept relating any part of the conversation back to the subject of drug dealers, but somehow I didn't feel freaked out as he walked away with his suspect bottle of gatorade. I think it was the accent. Yes...he would have been much creepier if it weren't for the accent.

He reminded me a lot of those people that are so creepy that they're awesome. I'm not the only one that has these people right? You know, the people that are so towards one extreme that they stop being so extremely startling and start being startingly awesome? I encountered my first real awesome extreme person this year when meeting one of my friend's friends from back home. We were sitting around hanging out and he would only stare at things, make this sleezy smile and say hello in the most molester of ways, but there was something so awesome about it that I couldn't get enough of him. With enough exposure to him, I've learned he's not dangerous at all - but he's still amazing in an incredibly creepy way. His existence is genius.
Another genius existence? Gwen Stefani's "Holla Back Girl." Everytime I hear it my skin crawls and I start smiling at the same time. Normally I would hate songs like it, but there's something so undeniably awesome about it that I can't help but enjoy (and hate) every moment of it.

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can't stop... won't stop